To receive them, though, you must know in what manner to ask for them. You will ask for them in the manner in which the poor ask charity of the rich rulers, especially when they are in danger from hunger. They shout, they cry, they wail. Have pity on me, I am in danger, I am dying of hunger! And if he is charitable and compassionate he gives them whatever they need and thus they are saved.
Our own Ruler, who is rich in mercy and compassion, who possesses all things in His hand, our heavenly Father is so compassionate, merciful and mankind loving, that He himself commands us to ask of Him and He will grant us. Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened…Seek the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. Do not sit and be negligent. Seek with faith, piety, contrition and tears from God to give you internal humility, not external humility, a humble train of thought and not a humble form. Ask Him to give you also guileless-pure love and persist till you receive.
And when with God’s grace you obtain humility and love then you obtained the virtues, God Himself, who dwells in the hearts of the humble and meek and remains together with those who have love. Love and humility never fall.
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