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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jesus’ CV !!!!


Hello! My name is Jesus- the Christ. I have sent you my CV because I am seeking to apply for the top executive position in your heart. Please examine my credentials as cited below.

  • I have created the earth and the Heavens ( Proverbs 3, 19)
  • I have created man from earth ( Genesis 2, 7)
  • I have given him the breath of life (Genesis 2, 7)
  • I have redeemed him from the curse of the law ( Galatians 3, 13)

  • I have had only one employer,(Luke 2, 49)
  • I have received only the greatest of recommendations ( Matthew 3, 15-17)

  • Some of my skills and work experience include: assisting the poor, healing the ailing, restoring sight to the blind
  • I am an excellent Counsel ( Isaiah 9,06)
  • But the most important is that I have the authority, the ability and the power to cleanse you from your sins. ( John 1, 7-9)


  • They cover the breadth and length of all knowledge, wisdom and  cognition ( Proverbs 2, 6)
  • I can even reveal all the secrets buried in your heart ( Psalms 44, 21)


  • I was actively involved in the mightiest Conference of all Times (Genesis 1, 29)

All my followers and faithful throughout the world will attest to the healings, the divine intervention, the miracles as well as to their deliverance, their transformation and the supernatural guidance they have received from me.
Now that you have come to the end of my CV, I am certain that I am the only candidate possessing the necessary credentials to fill the position in your heart. When can I begin? Now is the proper time  (Hebrews 3, 15).

Prophecy - “Greece will be saved and will stand on its own feet soon”- Elder Efthymios , the Hagiorite.

Fr Efthymios, the Hayiorite, is a quiet and humble monk, filled with God’s grace. I was taken aback by the absolute serenity in his movements and in the tone of his voice. He lives in a cell at Kapsala, underneath Karyes, with five other monks. He is only fifty years old yet he is already famous throughout the world. He is believed to be Fr Paisios’ successor.

Dozens of pilgrims visit him every day from all over the world to pay their respects and find a solution to their problems. Most come to hear him speak, finding solace away from the currents of everyday turbulence as if anchoring at a quiet port. .. We did the same thing twenty odd days ago. Two former Mps who had voted in favor of the two bailouts for Greece were amongst the group.

-“Niko, I told you not to do this”, he told one of the Mps, who had already met him on a previous occasion.

“You must know, my children, that this financial crisis will benefit Greece a great deal. You will notice this in a little while. It is like a storm which will pass. This is an opportunity to reinforce our faith to our Triune Lord”, the elder explained humbly. 

-“Elder, do you think it will be easy for Greece to be saved as things have turned out?

-“Greece will not only be saved but will stand on its own two feet” said the elder and went on: “Be careful what you write about!”

Without knowing who I was, not even my name, he referred to my profession!

I asked him:
-“Have I written something I shouldn’t have?”

He smiled.
-“I was speaking generally since there are a lot of potholes in journalism…!”

The discussion continued on spiritual issues and on matters relating to the current situation in Greece.
He seemed to be particularly hurt by the present situation, just like his spiritual father, Elder Paisios, was.

I asked for permission to take a picture of him but he declined saying: “No, my child”.

Then the God-inspired elder went on to say:
-“You ought to live simply, without luxuries and without too many demands. You must go to Church often and also to the Holy Confession. You ought to pray with faith and humility and harbor love for other people and Jesus. Then the almighty Lord will knock on your door”.

UK: Letter by Charlie Williams, 12, about his battle with cancer

This is a story of a child called Charlie who was diagnosed with cancer when he was only five years old. In fact, on the fifth day of the fifth month of 2005. 

My name is Charlie Williams. I could have died by now. I recently found out I was not going to die. At Addenbrooke's Hospital I had to endure medical treatments that included radiotherapy, which involved me going into a cylindrical tunnel for about half an hour, which is quite scary for a 6 year old, as I was at the time...... 

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Ethiopia: The rock churches 'built by angels' - the Jerusalem of Ethiopia

A complex and extensive system of drainage ditches, tunnels and subterranean passageways connects the underground churches, which were carved out of volcanic tuff rock.
Lalibela, Ethiopia - It's 4 o'clock on a Sunday morning when a trail of figures dressed in white emerges from the deep darkness. Quietly, the summoned crowd makes its way down a cluster of ancient structures as the slow beat from traditional skin drums beckons.

 The spectacular churches were carved both inside and out from a single rock some 900 years ago.
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Dining with VeggiePatti: Monastic food awaits diners at The Royal Eagle

St. Sabbas Orthodox Monastery 
The Royal Eagle is a little restaurant tucked away in St. Sabbas Orthodox Monastery, which in turn is tucked away in a little neighborhood in Harper Woods.

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ISRAEL: Arab Spring Prompts Arab - Israeli Christians to Reevaluate Israel

Today's Israel Hayom has an important article about an Israeli Greek Orthodox priest that every Christian in the West should read.

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FRANCE: Russia Pledges $20M to Renovate Orthodox Cathedral in France


Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree to allocate about $20 million to renovate the St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Nice , the largest Russian Orthodox Cathedral outside Russia. 

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Damascus , SYRIA: Suicide Bomber Targets Food Line at Orthodox Christian Church - 4 Dead


Four people were murdered and several people were injured in a suicide blast near the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church in Damascus this week. 


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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Secrets of Ethiopia's ancient "church forests" - Into the Forests of Gondar (PHOTOS)

In a faraway land, in a province named South Gondar, the arid landscape is dotted with ancient Orthodox Christian Tewahedo churches. Forests encircle these churches—hundreds of green spots visible in satellite photos—and they are about the only stands of trees surviving after the Amhara people expanded their agricultural fields by cutting down more than 95 percent of the old forest for fuel, crops, and grazing.


A scenario out of J.R.R. Tolkien? An imaginary land in the game Myst? 


The Immovable Ladder at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre


Venerated as the site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is perhaps the world’s most sacred Christian pilgrimage site. It is also the location of a 150-year-old argument over a ladder.  

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Bilderberg agenda: Western elites meet to determine the future of Middle East and Africa

Grove Hotel near Watford.(Photo from 

During the world’s most secretive gathering the Bilderberg Group is set to discuss topics including cyber warfare, US foreign policy, “developments in the Middle East” and “Africa’s challenges” despite the glaring absence of regional representatives.

The Bilderberg Group, long criticized for a lack of transparency, has revealed details of its upcoming meeting. This year 138 politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, chief executives and European royalty have confirmed their attendance to the invitation-only event, set to take place in Watford, England. The list notably includes only 14 women. 

The group is comprised largely of individuals from financial and business backgrounds - there will be nearly three dozen CEOs and more than two dozen Chairmen of banks and petroleum giants. Twenty-three financial institutions will be represented at the five-star Grove Hotel near Watford, Hertfordshire, including Goldman Sachs. 

IMF admits mistakes made in Greece bailout

The International Monetary Fund has said that it lowered its normal standards for debt sustainability to bail out Greece and its projections for the Greek economy may have been overly optimistic.

The IMF was one of a trio of international lenders that in 2010 stepped in to keep the euro zone country from defaulting on its debt and departing the common currency bloc. The IMF pledged about $39bn to Greece at the time, out of a total package of $146.2bn.

Some IMF board members and others criticised the fund for giving Greece so much money in comparison to the size of its economy, accusing the lender of being overly swayed by its European members.

Turkish police tear gas protesters in Ankara

The police crackdown in Dolmabahce on Tuesday night.  

Turkish police have fired tear gas and water cannon at crowds who joined mass demonstrations in Ankara, as the government hit out at US expressions of concern over its handling of demonstrations.
At least 40 protesters have been taken under custody in Dolmabahce on Tuesday night. 

 The latest violence in days of angry protests erupted after thousands of union workers filled the central Kizilay square in the Turkish capital on Wednesday, urging Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resign.

Although the protesters held on to many of the streets around the square as of Monday night, the police were waiting in Dolmabahce, near Gumussuyu, for the next stand off.  

Ambulances took away at least four people who collapsed as the gas blew into nearby restaurants, said an AFP news agency photographer at the scene.

Police fired teargas, and some protesters responded to police with fireworks in Dolmabahce late on Tuesday night.  

Erdogan's government earlier defended its democratic record after the United Nations, the United States and other Western powers voiced concern over allegations of police brutality.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christians caught in middle of Syrian conflict

Orthodox faithful pray during a mass held at the Syrian Orthodox Church on Sunday in Damascus, Syria to celebrate Easter according to the Orthodox calendar. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter several weeks after observances by other Christian denominations. Christians pose around 12 percent of Syria's 20 million Sunni-majority inhabitants.

The uprising in Syria began as a peaceful protest for diversity and democracy during the Arab Spring of 2011. But it has turned into a holy war between Shiite and Sunni sects of Islam — with Christians and other minorities caught in the middle.

The highest profile Christian victims of the civil war are two Orthodox bishops kidnapped in late April, and there is still no official word as to the whereabouts or fate of the two clerics, who were abducted as they returned from a humanitarian mission in Turkey.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

SYRIA: France, Britain confirms use of sarin gas in Syria

France, Britain confirms use of sarin gas in Syria
a Syrian victim who suffered an alleged chemical attack at Khan al-Assal village according to SANA, receives treatment by doctors, at a hospital in Aleppo, Syria. 


France said Tuesday it has confirmed that the nerve gas sarin was used "multiple times and in a localized way" in Syria, including at least once by the regime. It was the most specific claim by any Western power about chemical weapons attacks in the 27-month-old conflict.

Britain later said that tests it conducted on samples taken from Syria also were positive for sarin.
The back-to-back announcements left many questions unanswered, highlighting the difficulties of confirming from a distance whether combatants in Syria have crossed the "red line" set by President Barack Obama. The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has refused to allow U.N. investigators into the country. 

EGYPT: Coptic Christians hold protest after coming under attack at monastery in southern Egypt

Egyptian security and church officials say hundreds of Coptic Christians visiting a southern monastery have protested after coming under attack by unidentified assailants who stole their money and personal belongings and beat them.

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FORBS: A Bit Of Ancient History Dead Sea Scrolls In Tax Court

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The Dead Sea Scrolls were one of the most fascinating discoveries of the twentieth century. 

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Turkish Warships Pass Greek Islands


 The Turkish Navy was again provocative as, for the second time this week, two Turkish warships passed by eight Greek islands.
The missile ship ZIPKIN and the frigate YILDIRIM entered and violated the national territorial waters between Mykonos, Naxos, Syros, Kea, Gyaros, Amorgos, Euboea and Andros.

In the last seven days, this is the second time that the Turkish warships have violated the Greek territorial waters. The warships were participating in a naval exercise called Thalassolikos (Sea Dog}, that is taking  place near Rhodes, when authorities said they veered off course.

Metropolitan Hilarion: No Women On Mt. Athos

Hilarion, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and  Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Patriarchate of Moscow, revealed that Greece is under the pressure of international organizations to lift the prohibition on entry for women to Mount Athos, called avaton (Άβατον) in Greek.

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Jerusalem: Dormition Abbey vandalized

Jerusalem: Dormition Abbey vandalized  | Dormition Abbey,Bishop Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar for Jerusalem,

The Dormition Abbey, one of the major sites for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, was vandalised on Friday. Graffiti and anti-Christian insults in Hebrew were sprayed on a wall.  Two cars were also smeared with offensive words and all tyres were slashed.

The Abbey is located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem and cared for by German Benedictine monks.  One of the gates of the nearby Greek Orthodox cemetery was also marked with graffiti. 

The offensive words compared Christians to monkeys and called for revenge against Jesus. This incident is the latest in a succession of desecration of Christian monasteries in September and October last year.

USA: Fire at Greek Orthodox church causes $1M in damages


TURKEY: Erdogan calls Christian Byzantium "a dark chapter" in history

The prime minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called the time of Christian emperors in Byzantium "a dark chapter" in history. 

In Erdogan's view, in the fifteenth century, after invasion of Constantinople by Muslims, began "the time of enlightenment," reports
The speech of the conservative Turkish prime minister was made during the laying of the foundation of the new road bridge over the Bosphorus in Istanbul that took place on May 29--the anniversary of Ottoman invasion of the Byzantine empire 1453. 

“We are continuing to write the history today," said Erdogan during the ceremony.
The Turkish authorities have celebrated the anniversary of the victory over Byzantium by a series of festivities.

The Stones Cry Out – The Story of the Palestinian Christians

The Stones Cry Out Trailer from Yasmine Perni on Vimeo.

"The Stones Cry Out The Story of The Palestinian Christians" A film by: Yasmine Perni (English with Arabic subtitles)
I stared out my kitchen window one more time and simply saw too many lights across the mountainside. They belong to the new illegal Israeli settlement that has been going up during the past few years regardless of the results of any negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. I was reminded of the film I saw the other night. The Stones Cry Out: The Story of the Palestinian Christians was screened at Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center to a full house packed with an....

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Odd God couple

The married pastor of St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Washington Heights showed up for his first day of work with an attractive younger assistant fond of high heels and short skirts.

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Giants of the Bible - Documentary Movie - Watch FREE Full

ThumbnailThe series concludes with a discussion of physics and how it relates to the verifiability (or not) for the existence of human giants.

The Bible describes many individuals as giants, and it also mentions several giant people groups. Interpreters have speculated about the size of these people with guesses ranging anywhere from 6 feet to more than 30 feet in height. 
 Also, a great deal of misinformation about biblical giants has been proliferated on the Internet along with some fake pictures of supposed giants. So did these giants really exist?

  1. Thumbnail  

Turkey protests rage for second day

Police widened its security perimeter and moves its barricades to Harbiye district, which is 2km from Taksim Square  

Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to press ahead with plans to redevelopment a park in Istanbul which have sparked violent clashes.

Mr Erdogan said he would not yield to "wild extremists" but that police may have used "excessive" force.

Police have now withdrawn from Istanbul's Taksim Square, which has become the focus of the protests.


Correspondents say the local issue has spiralled into widespread anger over perceived "Islamisation" of Turkey.

Mr Erdogan has been in power since 2002 and some in Turkey have complained that his government is becoming increasingly authoritarian.

His ruling AK Party has its roots in political Islam, but he says he is committed to Turkey's state secularism.



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