The man loved his wife and the show at every opportunity ...
His wife was beautiful, delicate but frail.
The man had to go to war,
where he spent a lot of difficulties and near misses to lose his life.
Praying daily that God let him live to come back again to his beloved wife.
His whole idea was to shake in his arms, and this gave him courage to endure hunger, cold and injuries.
When the war ended, full of joy, started for home.
But the road he met a family friend who syllypithike for the disaster they found it.
"What disaster?" He asked, all concern.
"We learned? Your wife suffered an infectious disease and deformed her face."
The man sat in the middle of the street and wept bitterly.
When he arrived home later that afternoon, his wife realized that her lover had lost the light ...
He thought he had been blinded in the war in a battle ...
Hugged him but with the same love and lived happily for 15 years.
After the woman died and her husband after being closed his eyes, opened his own!
For fifteen years pretended to be blind not to hurt ...
This is love ....
Do not connive to hurt you ...
When the war ended, full of joy, started for home.
But the road he met a family friend who syllypithike for the disaster they found it.
"What disaster?" He asked, all concern.
"We learned? Your wife suffered an infectious disease and deformed her face."
The man sat in the middle of the street and wept bitterly.
When he arrived home later that afternoon, his wife realized that her lover had lost the light ...
He thought he had been blinded in the war in a battle ...
Hugged him but with the same love and lived happily for 15 years.
After the woman died and her husband after being closed his eyes, opened his own!
For fifteen years pretended to be blind not to hurt ...
This is love ....
Do not connive to hurt you ...