Daniel Ortega was a socialist rebel. In 2006 he converted to Catholicism. Now the President of Nicaragua supports both the Pope and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
In 1980, I was a strong supporter of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Later I was found by Jesus, and started to support Israel. Daniel Ortega has taken the opposite direction. First he walked into the nest of the Vatican. As a Papist, he supports the Islamic republic of Iran.
What happened to Daniel Ortega?
5 November 2006. In the run up to the election, FSLN presidential candidate Ortega converted to Catholicism and publicly “reconciled” with Cardinal Minquel Obando y Bravo.
Ortega also selected former Contra leader Jaime Morales Carazo as his vice-presidential candidate. Ortega won the election with 37.99 per cent of the votes.
10th of June, 2007, Daniel Ortega travel to Tehran. There he embraces dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In fact. The Papist from Managua walks hand in hand with the Iranian President.
Lets take a look at some pictures from the political life of Daniel Ortega. These documents can talk for them selves:
That the Vatican supports gangsters, in nothing new.
Yesterday former President of Panama, Manuel Noriega was sentenced to seven years in prison in France.
But not for being a dictator, and a criminal who violated human rights. Noriega was sent to prison for being the head of a drug syndicate, who was laundering drug money in banks in France.
And guess who protected Noriega, when the US tried to arrest him?
The Vatican Embassy in Panama.
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