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Thursday, September 4, 2014

French, British IS Fighters Discuss Use Of Yazidi Women As Sex Slaves

Sick: British jihadist Nasser Muthana posted this claim on his Twitter account saying that he and other Islamic State fighters had captured hundreds of Yazidi and were holding them hostage in Syria

A Facebook discussion on the matter was launched on September 3, 2014 by a French IS fighter named "Abou Jihad," who is in Syria and is one of the main propagators of IS materials in French. A similar discussion on Twitter took place several days previously, on Twitter, among British IS fighters and supporters.
French IS Fighters And Supporters On Facebook, September 3, 2014
Abou Jjihad: "350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want LOL"
Abu Selefie: "I heard there were slaves in Raqqa is it true?"
Abde-Rahman: "I saw it was around 180 dollars per slave LOL"
Abou Muhammad: "You have revived a tradition"
Abou Jihad: "Yes I heard brothers say there are some in Raqq
a as well" [...] "180 dollars must be [the price] for the ugly ones"
Abde-Rahman: "LOL I am laughing so hard"
Shinobi: "LOL And how much is it in spare parts? Check and see if you can get kidneys or livers there is demand."

Dawla: "What are the slaves for? Is it like your wife but without a marriage contract?"
Amine: "If they become Muslim are they freed?"
Abou Jihad: "It's not really like your wife, they can be used for intercourse [the writer uses a vulgar French expression for sex], you make her work in the house, and you send her to work at your parents', stuff like that."
Cara: "If she becomes Muslims it seems to me that you don't have to free her. It's obligatory if you have a child with her..."
Dawla: "You can have children with her?"
Cara: " Yes but [then] she would then be free."
Abou Jihad: "It’s the child that is free, not the woman (if she is not Muslim)"
Mehdi: "Personally does not sound appetizing"
"I prefer my future wife rather than a dirty slave."
Dawla:" So you can be intimate with her without a marriage contract? And you can have more than one?"
Abou Jihad: "Yes [...] they are idolaters, so it's normal that they are slaves, in Mosul they are closed in a room and cry, and one of them committed suicide LOL and Yes I have 350 dollars LOL"
Abou Selma: "And what if the slave refuses the intercourse? And what if your wife refuses to let you have intercourse with the slave?
Mehdi: " Wow those are good questions..."
Dawla: "Women are so jealous, they will never agree"
Abou Jihad:" A woman that stays at your house and that doesn’t want you, after a while she will crack, she will have to have sex with you. And also the slaves are scared of the mujahidin so they feel that they have to LOL"
Abou Selma: "Second question: what if your wife refuses?"
Abou Jihad: "She can't refuse
"It's a tradition"
Mouhamad: "I have 3500 dollars to spare, I am going to buy 10, who wants one?"

British IS Fighters And Supporters On Twitter, August 28, 2014

British IS fighters and supporters held a similar discussion on Twitter. On August 28, 2014, Umm Farris (@UmmAnwar_), the wife of a fighter in Al-Raqqa, tweeted: "Walked into a room, gave salaam to everyone in the room to find out there was a yazidi slave girl there as well... She replied to my salaam." 

Abu Sulayman, another English-speaking jihadi who is currently in Syria and is apparently a member of Jabhat Al-Nusra, replied: "Sister, where can I buy one of these slaves?" A third participant chimed in: "Can I buy one too? Send one to Kuwait, please..."



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