As our southern border lies open to anyone and everyone President Obama has finally decided to lock down a border. The problem is, it’s not our border, it’s Nigeria’s border. Thursday the Obama administration announced a billion dollar plan to help Nigeria shut down it’s border to help their fight against Islamic terrorism.
Border security is important to Obama, only not the United States border with Mexico.
Via the AP:
The United States is preparing to launch a “major” border security program to help Nigeria and its neighbors combat the increasing number and scope of attacks by Islamic extremists, a senior U.S. official for Africa said Thursday.
Nigerian insurgents have begun attacking villages in neighboring Cameroon and have been seizing land in northeast Nigeria where they proclaimed an Islamic caliphate.
Assistant Secretary of State Linda Thomas-Greenfield told a meeting of U.S. and Nigerian officials in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, that “Despite our collective efforts, the situation on the ground is worsening.
So, if border security works, why not secure the U.S. / Mexico border?