The nine orders of the angels are divided into three heirarchies,
each of which is divided into three orders: the highest, the
intermediate, the lower.
The first hierarch, the highest and closest to the Most Holy Trinity, consists of the SERAPHIM, CHERUBIM, and THRONES.
The God-loving six-winged SERAPHIM stand closer than all before their
Creator and Mker, as the prophet Isaiah saw, saying: “And the seraphim
stood around Him, each having six wings” (Isaiah 6:2). They ar fire-like
since they stand before That One of Whom it is written: “For our God is
a consuming fire.” (Heb 12:29); “His throne was a flame of fire” (Dan
7:9); “the appearance of the Lord was like a blazing fire” (Ex 24:17).
Standing before such glory, the seraphim are fire-like, as it said: “Who
maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire” (Ps 103:4).
They are aflame with love for God and kindle others to such love, as i
shown by their very name, for “seraphim” in the Hebrew language means:
After the seraphim, before the All-knowing God, Who resides in
inaccessable light, stand the many-eyeed CHERUBIM in ineffable radiance.
More than the other lower orders of angels, they are always radiant
with the light of th knowledge of God, with the knowledge of the
mysteries of God and the depths of His Wisdom; being themselves
enlightened, they enlighten others. Their name “cherubim” in translation
from the Hebrew language, means: “great understanding” or “effusion of
wisdom”, because throught the cherubim wisdom is sent down to tohers and
enlightenment of the spiritual eyes is given for the seeing of God and
knowledge of God.
Thereafter stand the God-bearing THRONES (as St Dionysius the
Areopagite calls them) before Him Who sits on the high and exulted
throne, being named “thrones” since on them, as on inctellectual thrones
(as writes St Maximus the Confessor) God intellectually resides. They
are not called “God bearing” according to essence but according to grace
and according to their office, as the flesh of Jesus Christ (as St
Basil the Great writes) is called “God-bearing” according to essence
since it was indivisibly united with God the Word Himself. The thrones
are then called “God-bearing” not according to essence but according o
grace, given for their service, which is mystically and
incomprehensibley to bear God in themselves. Residing on them in an
incomprehensible manner, God makes His righteous judgement, according to
the word of David: “Thou hast sat upon a throne, O Thou that judgest
righteousness.” (Ps 9:4). Therefore through them the justice of God is
pre-eminently manifesed; they erve His justice, glorifying it and pour
out the power of justice onto the thrones of earthly judges, helping
kings and masters to bring forth right judgement.
Th middle hierarchy also consists of three orders of holy angels: the DOMINIONS, the VIRTUES, and the POWERS.
The DOMINIONS are so nemed because, being themselves free, they
dominate over the rest of the angels which follow behind them. Having
abandoned servile fear, as St Dionysius the Aeropagite says, they
voluntarily and with joy serve God unceasingly. Also they send down
power for prudent governing and wise management to authorities on the
earth set up by God. Further they teach how to control the senses, how
to subdue in oneself dissolute desires and passions, how to enslave the
flesh to the spirit, and how to rule over one’s will and be above all
The VIRTUES, [the usual translation of the name of this order of
angels as "virtues" is readily misleading if the old meaning of the word
"virtue" as "power" or "force", especially as regards to divine beings
(cf Oxford English Dictionary), is not remembered. Note of translator.]
filled with divine strength, quickly fulfill the will of the All-High
and Omnipotent Lord, strong and powerful. They both work very great
miracles and send down the grace of miracle-working to God’s saints, who
are worthy of such grace, in order that these may work miracles, such
as heal every sickness and foretell the future. The holy virtues also
help people laboring and those overburdened by the bearing of an
obedience placed on them by someone – by which their names “virtues” is
explained – and they bear the infirmities of the weak. They also
strengthen every man in patience, so that he does not faint away in
affliction but rather bears all misfortune with a strong spirit,
courageously, and with humility, giving thanks for everything to God,
arranging all for our benefit.
The POWERS are so called because they have power over the devil, in
order to restrain the power of the demons, to repulse the temptations
brought upon people by them, and to prevent the demons from harming
anyone to the degree that they would wish. The powers strengthen the
good ascetics in spiritual struggles and labors, protecting them so that
they may not be deprived of the spiritual kingdom. They help thos
wrestling with passions and vices to cast out evil thoughts and slanders
of the enemy and to conquer the devil.
In the lowest hierarchy there are also three orders: the PRINCIPALITIES, the ARCHANGELS, and the ANGELS.
The PRINCIPALITIES are named thus because they have command over the
lower angels, directing them to the fulfilment of divine orders. The
management of the universe and the keeping of all the kingdoms and
princedoms, of lands and all peoples, races and nations, is also
entrusted to them since each kingdom, race and people have for
themselves a special deeper and manager from the heavenly order called
the principalities, for all their country. Further, the service of this
angelic order (according to the explanation of St Gregory the Dialogist)
consists in teaching the people to requite each person in authority
according to his calling. Finally, the angels of this order raise worthy
people to various honorable offices and direct them so that they take
power not for the sake of their own gain and benefit, nor for the sake
of love of honr and vain renown, but for the sake of honor from God, for
the sake of spreading and augmenting of His holy glory, and for the
sake of the benefit of their neighbors – as serving the general needs of
all their subordinates.
The ARCHANGELS are called the great heralds of good news, announcing
the great and most glorious. Their service (as the great Dionysius the
Aeropagite says) consists in revealing prophecies, knowledge, and
understanding of God’s will which they receive from the higher orders of
angels and announce to the lower order, ie. the angels, and through
them, to men. St Gregory the Dialogist says that the archangels
strengthen people in the holy faith, enlightening their mind with the
light of knowledge of the holy Gospel and revealing the mysteries of
devout faith.
The ANGELS are the lowest of all the orders in the heavenly hierarchy
and the closest to man. They aannounce the lesser mysteries and
intentions of God and teach people to live virtuously and righteously
before God. They are appointed to guard each of us who believe: they
sustain virtuous people from fallen, and never leave us though we have
sinned, but are always ready to help us, if only we ourselves want it.
All of the heavenly orders are also called by the common name
“angels”. Although they have different names according to their
situation and grace given by God (as seraphim, cherubim, thrones and the
rest of the orders), yet all in general are called angels, because the
word “angel” is not a denomination of essence, but of service, as it is
written: “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister”
(Heb 1:14). But their service is different and not identical: each order
has its own service; for the All-Wise Creator does not reveal the
mystery of His design to all to the same degree, but from the one to the
others, through the higher He enlightens the lower, revealing to them
His will and commanding it to be as in the book of the Prophet
Zachariah. There it is said that one angel, after conversing with the
prophet, met another angel who ordered him to go again to the prophet
and reveal the future fate of Jerusalem: “And behold, the angel that
talked with me went forth and another angel went out to meet him, and
said unto him, Run, speak to thes young man (that is, the prophet
Zachariah), saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls
for the multitude of mena and cattle therein: For I, saith the Lord will
be unto her a wall of fire round about” (Zach 2:3-5).
Deliberating about this, St Gregory the Dialogist says, “When one
angel says to the other: ‘Run speak to this young man’ there is no doubt
that certain angels send others, that the lower ones are sent, that the
higher send” (St Gegory the Dialogist, Interpretation of the Gospels,
We find exactly the same thing in the prophecy of Daniel, that one
angel orders another to interpret the vision to the prophet. From this
it is evident that angels of higher orders reveal the divine will and
intention of their Creator to angels of the lower orders, that they
enlighten them and send them to people.
The Orthodox Church militant, being in need of the help of the
angels, celebrates the Assembly of all the nine angelic orders with a
special supplication, as is fitting, on the eighth day of the month of
November (Nov 21 OS) ie. the ninth month, since all these nine orders of
angels will gather on the day of the Terrible Judgment of the Lord,
which the divine teachers of the Church call the eighth day. For they
say, at the end of seven thousand years will begin as if an eighth day,
“When the Son of man shall in His glory, and all the holy angels with
Him” (as the Lord Himself foretold in the Gospel – Matt 25:31). “And he
shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall
gather together His elect from the four winds.” (Matt 24:31), ie. from
the East, West, North, and South.
The following is from the Minea of St Dimitry of Rostov