Looking into the lives of prominent persons such as kings and
archbishops, we get a snapshot of their day. The life of St. Honorius of
Canterbury shows us a land in turmoil but a church steadily expanding.
Honorius is thought to have been one of the Benedictine monks sent by
Pope Gregory I to convert the English. Whether he traveled there with
St. Augustine of Canterbury in 596 or was sent with the second group in
601 is not certain. In fact, little is known of him, except that by his
fervent and holy life he helped convert the people of Kent to
When Archbishop Justus of Canterbury died around 627 or 628, Honorius
was chosen to fill his place. In theory, this should have been done by
bishops of his own diocese, but that was impossible. Such were the
storms of the time that London and Rochester were both without bishops.
The only bishop in England who could consecrate Honorious (preserving
the apostolic succession) was Paulinus of York, who was engaged in
mission work in Northumbria.

In those days, delays in communication with Rome were lengthy. The
two wrote to Rome, asking for the pope to send them their pallia–cloths
of wool that bishops wore on their shoulders as a symbol that their
authority was recognized by the pope. The pope sent the pallia and also
gave them written permission to appoint each others successors in event
of death. That letter made Paulinus the first Bishop of York.
He would not enjoy his position long. The pagan king, Penda of
Mercia, marched across Northumbria, slaughtering its newly converted
Christian king and many other people, burning towns as he went. Paulinus
fled south, where Honorius made him Bishop of Rochester.
During Honorius’ days as Archbishop, King Oswald, reared by monks on
the island of Iona, ascended to the throne of Northumbria and invited
Aidan, who was of the Celtic tradition, to preach to his people. Aidan
founded Lindisfarne. Soon the Roman and Celtic traditions would clash.
While the north was being Christianized by Celts, Honorius sent his
own missionary to East Anglia. This was Felix and he accomplished his
goal. His see was at Dunwich, but the ocean has since washed it away.
Honorius broke the race barrier, consecrating at different times, the
first three English-born bishops for the church. These were Ithamar,
Thomas and Beretgils. When Honorius died on this day, September 30, 653,
he was buried at Canterbury. After a wait of eighteen months, his place
was taken by Deusdedit, the first English-born Archbishop of