the staff of the School present were Archimandrite Justin Anthimiadhi,
Mr. Theodhor Peci who is also the director of the school, Mr. Stefan
Xhupa and some other professors of Byzantine Music. In this first step
toward Church education, His Beatitude, with special care and love,
inaugurated the school, offering this possibility to all that have the
desire and will to acquire extensive qualifications in Byzantine music.
On this special day, His Beatitude held a meeting with all the students
will be the school’s first generation. One of the finest words His
Beatitude said in this meeting was: “The Church gives the best for you,
and you must give the best of yourself”.
A Blessing of the Waters Service was held to celebrate the new
beginning. At the end of the service, Archbishop Anastasios wished all
the students well, emphasizing: “Let us bless God who has made us worthy
of this new step of opening this school for the graceful Psalters. This
is something very important because the Psalters have a central role
inside our worship. All of you strive to the best of your ability in
order to have the best results, and in addition to the studies, to
create a harmonic environment among yourselves. May God bless every work
and effort that is done by you.” With the blessing of God and with the
blessings of our Archbishop, we wish the best for the new school.